Thursday, November 13, 2014

Random entry


Today is a great day. the weather is clear. Syukur Alhamdulillah. As for now, i am still reviewing the journals and other reading materials. nak ikutkan, makin bace, makin pening, cause u tend to go broader than your research. Sebab dalam satu journal, its hard to understand all contents in just one reading. So, kene bace banyak kali and lepas tu kene relate with other people punye research jugak. Then, baru boleh faham and relate dengan research kita. beware not to have overlapping research. sebab tak ade novelty di situ. Since i am in phd research activities, semua kene lgi deep and critical. tak boleh dah buat macam master research dlu. ni totally berkali ganda punya analytical and experiment wise. -_____-

Since im carrying my son in my womb, i feel more enthusiastic. My focus is higher than i had during my master time. I feel more calm and organize. That is a good sign for me. Even though i easily get fatigue but that never stops me from being focus and distracted. i learn that every unborn baby will reflects to our daily behavior and become more like the mother when they grow up. So i want my child to have my good qualities and become a successful person one day. 

I think thats all i have for now. Just some random photos to share with all of you.. :)

With my close buddies during my solemnization. Jan 24th
malu-malu cat

During his 25th birthday. last year.

myself before i get married.. :)

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